eCommerce Tech

Thank Them Right: Mastering eCommerce Thank You Page Best Practices

Feb 5, 2024
4 min read
eCommerce thank you page best practices

Congratulations! You’ve just made a sale on your eCommerce store. But, have you considered that the Thank You page that follows may be the most important page of your entire website? That’s right, the often-overlooked Thank You page presents an opportunity for you to leave a lasting impression on your customers and even boost your sales. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for designing an effective eCommerce Thank You page that will keep your customers coming back for more.

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted Thank You page. It can be the difference between a one-time customer and a loyal brand advocate. By implementing the best practices we have shared, you can turn your Thank You page into a powerful tool for customer engagement, retention, and conversion. Take the time to optimize your Thank You page and make it a true reflection of your brand’s values and commitment to customer satisfaction. Your customers will thank you for it, and your bottom line will too!

#1 Start with a greeting

Initiate your Thank You page with a personalized greeting. For instance, a simple message like “We appreciate your purchase!” or “We appreciate backing our business!” can do the trick. By acknowledging your customers’ purchase, you’re not just completing a transaction; you’re beginning a conversation. This sets a positive tone and serves as the first step in cultivating a strong customer relationship. When customers feel recognized and valued, they are more likely to engage further with your brand.

#2 Place social sharing buttons

Consider incorporating social sharing buttons on your Thank You page as a dynamic way to amplify your eCommerce success. These buttons serve as a catalyst for your customers to showcase their recent purchases to their social circles, leveraging the excitement surrounding their buy.


By strategically placing sharing buttons at this pivotal moment – right after a purchase – you tap into the enthusiasm of satisfied customers. This heightened emotional state increases the likelihood that they’ll eagerly share their new acquisition with friends and family.


Unlike paid advertising channels where each click comes at a price, social shares bring in organic exposure at no extra cost. Every share becomes a valuable endorsement and a potential source of free traffic, expanding your brand’s reach effortlessly.

ecommerce thank you page social sharing buttons

#3 Ask for referrals

“People influence people. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message. A trusted referral is the Holy Grail of advertising.”

Mark Zuckerberg


Asking your customers to recommend your store to their friends is a powerful way to get more people interested in what you offer. It’s like a secret weapon for bringing in new customers.


In fact, before making a purchase, 82% of Americans look for advice from family or friends. Digging a bit deeper into the numbers, some studies even suggest that each satisfied customer could potentially bring in as many as 9 referrals. Now, imagine the impact on your business if you actively harness this referral potential.


Don’t forget to offer something valuable to your customers before seeking referrals. A combination of genuine appreciation, incentives, and easy sharing options can significantly boost your referral efforts.

asking for referrals and incentives

#4 Conduct a survey

Another consideration is the option to include a survey question on your Thank You page. While some businesses inquire about how customers discovered their site during the order process, this might add unnecessary friction and hurdles to the purchasing decision.


Instead of posing such queries on the order form, you can shift them to the Thank You page. Ask questions like “What’s the main factor that influenced your purchase today?” or “How can we enhance our checkout process to make future orders easier for you?”


These questions offer valuable insights without adding pre-purchase complexity. Post-purchase inquiries allow you to gather information on what convinced customers to buy, enabling you to enhance your website and drive more sales in the future.

#5 Provide a coupon code

To leverage the traffic on your Thank You page, consider enticing customers with a coupon for an additional purchase. Connect the coupon to related products or accessories, encouraging customers to capitalize on their spending mood.


While this approach may be more effective in certain industries, it’s worth exploring for your site. You can create a sense of urgency by attaching a limited time to the offer – perhaps a coupon valid for the next hour or one that’s redeemable within the next 30 days, sent directly to the customer.


Although not everyone may make an additional purchase, offering a coupon or discount on the Thank You page is a way to maximize the potential of customers who reach that stage. However, keep in mind that the majority may have completed their transaction and are ready to move on. Consider alternative strategies, such as encouraging them to sign up for email updates, for a more effective use of valuable Thank You page space.

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#6 Offer helpful resources

Consider enhancing your Thank You page by incorporating helpful resources. These could include YouTube videos explaining product usage or blog posts offering in-depth insights into the recently ordered item.


Given the trend of using Google and YouTube for learning, people often turn to online resources to delve deeper into their interests. Whether it’s reading and sharing blog posts for knowledge or watching instructional videos on YouTube, catering to this preference can benefit your customers.


This phenomenon is particularly relevant for products that may require additional understanding, such as technical items. By offering video or written resources on your Thank You page, you facilitate a learning experience for your customers.


Another creative option is to create a personalized thank-you video featuring your staff expressing gratitude for the order. This adds a unique and personal touch, helping your business stand out in a memorable way.

#7 Invite customers to subscribe to your newsletter

A newsletter program offers abundant opportunities to re-engage buyers, build loyalty, and establish authority – all without the hefty price tag of advertising. Email addresses are proved by multiple marketers to hold greater value than Twitter followers or Facebook fans. While social media posts may or may not reach all followers, emails guarantee nearly 100% visibility, allowing recipients to decide whether to take action based on the message.


It’s crucial to highlight the benefits of subscribing to your newsletter. Instead of a generic “Sign up to stay in touch,” opt for a more compelling approach like “Sign up to be the first to receive special discounts and exclusive offers.” The latter provides people with a clear reason to subscribe, making it more enticing compared to the generic option.

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3 Dont’s of a good eCommerce Thank You page

  • Don’t overwhelm the page with excessive content

Limit the thank-you page to 4 to 5 lines, allowing space for visitors to breathe. Lengthy content can be daunting, even on a thank-you page. Embrace minimalism to enhance the impact of your strong call-to-action button. Keep it simple and engage effectively!

  • Don’t commit to what you can’t deliver

If unsure about responding within 24 hours, be honest with customers. Promising less and delivering more builds trust. It’s better to be truthful than to make false assurances and disappoint later.

  • Don’t ignore page design

No matter how well-crafted your content is, an unappealing design won’t capture attention. Invest time in creating an attractive thank-you page with all the essential elements to engage customers effectively.

Wrapping up

While these seven ideas may seem appealing, it’s essential to avoid overwhelming visitors on your Thank You page. To enhance your Thank You page and leverage valuable traffic, stick to implementing just one or, at most, two of these best practices. This ensures that visitors are more likely to take at least one valuable action on your Thank You page without feeling overloaded with options.


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