The most important thing in a web store is payment for the order. You need to arrange the most convenient system to allow your customers to make payments when and how they wish.
Let us review Payment settings in Magento ®. Also please be aware that you can choose the appropriate payment extension and perform its integration with Magento ® in order to get the necessary payment method on your site.
Credit card Payment settings
Credit cards have become one of the most popular methods to pay for a purchase through the internet. Let us look into the configuration of this method:
‘Enabled’ – set ‘Yes’ if you wish payment by credit card method to be displayed in your store. Set ‘No’ if you do not wish this method to be displayed;
“Title” – set the payment method name in this field;
‘New Order Status” – select one of the drop-down menu options for new orders’ status. We recommend to use status ‘Pending’ as it will allow you the ability to recognize new orders among the whole orders list, then check or change the information if necessary, and make sure that the order is processed properly;
‘Credit Card Types’ – highlight all credit card types that will be allowed in your store;
‘Credit Card Verification’ – this is a request for a verification code, you need to decide whether or not you wish the store to request it;
‘Payment from applicable countries’ – there you need to select the countries from which the payment will be accepted. You may select all countries and then a customer from any place in the world will be able to make a purchase in your store using their credit card;
‘Payment from Specific Countries’ – this list will become active only if you have chosen an option from the previous list. This field will be visible to a customer on the checkout page.
Zero subtotal check
If a customer is making an order where subtotal shows zero cost, they need to be offered another payment system that will require subtotal confirmation. You can also set up specific filters for this option.
‘Enabled’ – set ‘Yes’ for further list displaying or ‘No’ to finish the work;
‘Title’ – payment method name;
‘New Order Status’ – we advise to use ‘Pending’ status, as in the previous method;
‘Payment from applicable countries’ – select countries where customers will be able to use this payment method. ‘All allowed countries’ means that all customers from all countries will be able to use this payment method. In case there is no list of countries, you need to go to
System > Configuration, select the countries and create your own countries list.
‘Payment from Specific Countries’ – this is a sort of filter which automatically tracks from which countries the orders are made, this list is visible to your customers. This field will only be active after you fill the previous menu item.
If you have any problems configuring Payment Settings in Magento ®, you may leave a comment on this article and our experts for Magento ® will do their best to assist you.